Local and organic food ... delivered!
Get 2-3 kinds of fruit and 4-6 kinds of vegetables delivered to your door ... every week, or how often you choose.
All year-round.
Most of our food comes from small, local farms. Nearly all of it is certified organic.
And we tell you exactly where it comes from every week. You can see the local farms and local jobs your food dollars support.
Click the little truck in the lower right corner to see if Healthy Share delivers to your Zip code.
Eat good. Do good.
You want fresh, healthy, safe food. We'll deliver it right to your door. And you'll enjoy more than the superb taste and high nutritional value of ultra-fresh food.
You'll feel good supporting small, local, sustainable farmers. Creating local living-wage jobs. Reducing the environmental impact of food production and distribution. And helping provide healthy food for local low-income families.
That's why we say, "Healthy Share is good for all."
Give us a try. Monthly terms. 20% off your first month.
Our Food
Our FoodOur weekly emails show you where each of your foods come from, and how your Healthy Share subscription benefits sustainable farmers and the environment.
Our Health
Our HealthHealthy Share is based on the national Dietary Guidelines. You choose your foods, but you're getting the variety recommended for a healthy diet.
Our Community
Our CommunityHealthy Share is committed to curtailing local hunger with local food. For every 10 Healthy Share subscriptions, we provide a free subscription for a local low-income family.
Our World
Our WorldWe support an equitable and sustainable food chain by providing opportunities for small farmers and reducing the environmental impact of food production and distribution.